Awards + Other Career Accomplishments

2024: Awarded Doctor of Education honoris causa by Brunel University London
2021: Astronaut Al Travels to the Moon awarded Mom's Choice Award Gold Medal for Excellence — their top honor.
2020: Outward Odyssey book series received 2020 Ordway Award for sustained excellence in spaceflight history.
2012: Oversaw musician Adam Ant’s tour of the Apollo 9 spacecraft. On his visit to San Diego, personally showed him the spacecraft after which he named one of his hit singles. (Figure 1)
VIP chaperoning for museum guests such as Neil Armstrong, Harrison Ford, and NASA Chief Charlie Bolden. (Figures 2-4)
Oversaw the only public tours of Palomar Observatory. (Figure 5)
Hosted book signings for astronauts such as Sally Ride, America’s First Woman in Space, and Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot. (Figure 6 & 7)
2002: Led the design and creation of a banner flown by astronaut Jim Newman aboard space shuttle Columbia on the STS 109 mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. (Figure 8)
2010: Inducted into the United States Space & Rocket Center’s Hall of Fame.
(Figure 9)2008: Awarded ISS Award by San Diego Space Society for Outstanding Community Support.
2008: Awarded AIAA Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Education award. (Figure 10)
2008: Diploma of recognition from medical faculty of UNICA University, Nicaragua, for volunteer dental work in Nicaragua with children with special needs.
2007: Secretary General, Ministry of Health, Nicaragua recognition award for volunteer dental work in Nicaragua with children with special needs. (Figure 11)
2002: Awarded Fellowship of the British Interplanetary Society.
1990: Photographer on assignment in India for the book “Techniques of Indian Embroidery.” Work included research in the methods of making and uses of tribal textiles, and how to present them in book form to the public. (Figure 12)
1990: Awarded the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award by the Duke of Edinburgh at St. James’ Palace, London, England. (Figure 13)