Talking With Shuttle Legends

It’s been an enjoyably busy time for writing and consulting projects, and here are a few updates you might enjoy…

Firstly, the American Association for the Advancement of Science kindly asked me to moderate a panel of shuttle folks, including two astronauts. We had an enjoyable time as they related stories from that amazing era. It is now online and can be watched here.

Continuing the legacy of the late Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden is very important to me, and it’s heartwarming that our last book together, “The Light Of Earth,” continues to bring in rave reviews, including this thoughtful piece in the New York Journal of Books. Getting the word out about books is tough right now, so I’d welcome you sharing reviews like this; thank you for helping to spread the word.

The book has also been nominated for the annual Space Hipsters Book Prize. Reading the list of other nominees, it is a cavalcade of world-class writing, including many books I have championed here in blog posts. This is truly an award where it is an honor simply to be nominated.

I’m delighted to now have six books out with my name on the cover. Can you name them all? Check here to see them (and yes, I am now on TikTok…).

Thank you so much to all of you for your continued friendship and support — it truly means a great deal.