Talking about Women In Space Sciences

Talking with Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

Talking with Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

Earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to moderate a panel of authors who have either written books about women in space sciences — or they are those women, writing about their experiences. All are books that I have reviewed in the past, in this prior blog.

Sarah Stewart Johnson and Samantha Cristoforetti continue to make amazing advances themselves in space, whether working on Mars rovers, or preparing to fly to the International Space Station in person.

Donovan Moore relates the story of the women who (literally) worked out what the universe is made of.

Alison Wilgus has created a book that will kickstart inspiration for younger audiences, and enchant adults too.

Our conversation can be watched here (you probably need to log in to Facebook to see it). We laughed and, at one point, almost cried.

I hope you enjoy this spirited chat.